Newsletter #5
Hello Friends of the Electron Workshop! It’s been another packed month at the Electron Workshop with events from OpenTechSchool, Hackduino, EFA’s first collaboration with Cryptoparty, and RHoK’s (Random Hacks of Kindness) showcase evening, featuring Sean Herron from NASA. Lots more to come – stay tuned for updates to our events calendar. Electron Workshop Women’s Grant: The Electron […]
Electron Workshop incubates Artbox
Dear Friends, Artbox is the world’s first dedicated video art player, incubated out of the Electron Workshop. Artbox is an initiative by local artists and developers, and will be culminate into a free software project for the Raspberry Pi microcomputer. Today is a big day for Artbox, because the project is launching its Pozible crowd funding campaign, and to celebrate, they’re […]
Newsletter #4
Hello Friends of the Electron Workshop! Lots on at the Workshop this month! We launched our Women’s Workshop Grant for International Women’s Day, Cryptoparty, Electron Workshop & EFA are collaborating this Thursday for their first series of events, and OpenTechSchool are back in April for their second workshop. Also keep an eye out for more workshops by Chris Burgess on WordPress […]
Melbourne Jelly
This Friday the 1st of June, the Melbourne Jelly coworking group will be working out of the Electron Workshop for the day. If you’d like to meet new people, have a free coworking day and see the space, this Friday is your opportunity! You can find out more information on the listing & reserve […]
Electron Workshop – History
Special thanks to Tom Anderson from the Bulla Dairy Foods group, for digging up these old images of the Electron Workshop site. Click through the bottom two photos for images circa the 1920’s, when the Electron Workshop site was a garage for Bulla Cream trucks. Who would have thought… Cream truck repair workshop, to cutting […]
Yes, we’re open!
To avoid any possible confusion, we just wanted to write a quick post saying that yes, we are definitely open! People are welcome to come by and view the space, or to just drop in and start working. There are around 10-11 of us working out of the space, some of which are viewable on […]
Open for Applications
After many months of incredibly hard labour, we’re really proud to be finally open for applications. The Electron Workshop was built by us, with virtually no outside contractors. It was a labour of love, tears and sweat; we wanted to build our dream workspace, and here it is to share. If you’re a small digital […]
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